Malaysia My 2nd Home

It offers a straight 10 years residency VISA in Malaysia with renewals available for an indefinite period,

 It offers a straight 10 years residency VISA in Malaysia with renewals available for an indefinite period, as long as participants do not violate Malaysia’s laws.

 This program is also easy and convenient to apply for with fast approval, often within 60 days. Moreover, the participants need not to be present in Malaysia during the application.

 MM2H Fixed deposit – partial amount can be withdrawn after one year! It is flexible & easy to meet as long as you have fulfilled, purchase of property or car, medical expenses, education etc.

 There are many other migration programs (ie, USA, Canada or Australia ) that may require you to invest in a business or government funds etc, where there is risk involved, MM2h program is 100% free of risk.

 You & your family can also enjoy the freedom to invest and participate in the local shares/derivatives markets without any barrier. There is no tax on gain from these investments.

With the MM2H residency, you can apply your entry VISA to another country in their respective embassy/consulates in Malaysia. Most applications will be treated with the same processing time as the Malaysians. For example, If you would like to go to Australia, you can visit Australian embassy in Malaysia to apply for your entry VISA (without the need to go back to your country), as they recognize your local residency of MM2H visa in Malaysia.

Also for parents who are unsure of where their children are heading or whether to further improve their education in Malaysia, it is advisable to include all their eligible children below the age of 21. This will further save your money and the hassle of renewing the yearly student pass of which the school will charge on a yearly basis for application & renewal.

Government Support

Stable and liberal democratic government. This program is initiated, organized and launched by the Malaysian Government and is thus one that the Government will continuously seek to improve, to ensure its success.

 Vibrant Dynamic Business Environment

 Stable and liberal democratic government.

Excellent banking system; All deposits in Banking Institutions are fully guaranteed by The Malaysian Government

Culture & Language

The Malay language (Bahasa Melayu) is the national language of the country; English is the second language but other languages can be freely used and practiced. Similarly, the Malay culture is dominant in the country because the Malays are the dominant race in Malaysia and in the region. Other cultures can be practiced very freely and there is a free intermingling of different cultures.

Freedom of Religion – Guaranteed by the Malaysian Constitution. You will find Churches, Temples, and Mosques all peacefully co-existing in a multicultural society

Malaysians are friendly and hospitable people. So people of many races and cultures can live together in harmony,

Low Cost but High Standard of Living

 Low Cost but High Standard of Living with one of the highest PPP(Purchasing Power Parity ratio) in the Region.

The beautiful Living environment with a choice of Beach Resorts, Cool highlands, The City or Countryside and all within a 2-Hour Drive for you to make your home.

Excellent recreational facilities ranging from World Class Golf courses to clubs and the unpolluted outdoors are all close by.

 Great Climate, perpetual summer.

 The country has everything for the family,-theme parks, jungle trails, sports, water sports and one of the highest numbers of golf courses.

Good Education System

Good Education System Good Education System with an abundance of International Schools & Colleges with affiliations/twinning programs with overseas Universities in the US. Europe and Australia

High-Quality Healthcare

High-Quality Healthcare with many Specialist medical hospitals as well as public facilities available.

Once your application is successful, there are various benefits & incentives provided as below:

MM2H Visa Permit

 10 year Social Visit Pass with Multiple Entry will be granted

 Stay as long as you wish & leave Malaysia anytime as you please

 Renewable after 10 years

House Purchase

Any foreigner may purchase any number of residential property in Malaysia, subject to the minimum price established for foreigners by the different states. They start from RM500,000 per unit for most states, from 1st March 2014. The land is a state matter and it is important to check state laws before making any commitment, as the minimum purchase price is not standardized between states.

List of a minimum price for purchase a property for each state (click here)

Car Purchase

Each participant is allowed to bring in his/her own car (used) or purchase a new locally-assembled car without having to pay import duty, excise duty, and sales tax. However, they must apply for prior approval within the 6month / 1years time period given by the Finance Ministry and Ministry of International Trade and Industry. Participants are only allowed to sell their imported/locally purchased car after 2 years’ stay on the MM2H programme by paying the prevailing duties).

Domestic Helper

Each applicant can apply for one maid subject to the prevailing guidelines of the Immigration Department.


MM2H participants are allowed to bring their children who are below 21 years old and not married as their dependents.


Tax Exemption is given to the remittance of the offshore pension funds into Malaysia & any other foreign funds transferred into Malaysia.

Business & Investment

You can own and actively run your own business(terms apply). Generally, any MM2H visa holders can own their business as Directors without the requirement of any Local Malaysians(terms apply).

Working Part-Time

Over 50-year-old can work part-time(terms apply).


Import personal / household items, tax-exempted.

Invest in local companies, share market & unit trusts.

Interest gained from bank fixed deposit is tax exempted.

Your parents can also join you as dependents under a renewable High-Quality (6 monthly) visa.

Before Approval

Applicants are required to comply with the following financial criteria upon successful submission of their MM2H application.

50+ RM350, 000   RM10, 000 NIL RM150,000  
50- RM500,000    RM10,000   NIL   RM300,000  
50+ RM350,000 RM10, 000 NIL NIL
50- RM350,000 RM10,000 RM1M+ (fully paid) RM150,000
50+ RM350,000 RM10,000 RM1M+ (fully paid) RM100,000

After Approval

Successful applicants are required to comply with the following financial Fixed Deposit placements upon receipt of the conditional approval letter from the Malaysia Immigration Department.

Aged Below 50 years old

 Open a fixed deposit account of RM300,000.

 After a period of one year, the participant can withdraw up to RM150,000 for approved expenses relating to house purchase, education for children in Malaysia, medical purposes, rental, furniture, car purchase etc.

Must maintain a minimum balance of RM150,000 from the second year onwards and throughout their stay in Malaysia under this Malaysia My Second Home programme.

Aged 50 years and above

 Will either: – Open a fixed deposit account of RM150, 000 OR
 – If full Government Pension of RM10, 000 incomes is shown then no fixed deposit is required.

 After a period of one year, a participant who fulfills the fixed deposit criteria can withdraw up to RM50, 000 for approved expenses relating to house purchase, education for children in Malaysia, medical purposes, rental, furniture, car purchase etc.

 Participant must maintain a minimum balance of RM100,000 from the second year onwards and throughout his/her stay in Malaysia under this MM2H programme.


Successful applicants need to open their fixed deposits in Ringgit Malaysia (RM) only.

Participants need to obtain approval from Ministry of Tourism before proceeding to withdraw the fixed deposit.

Participants under this program may withdraw their entire fixed deposit anytime should they decide to terminate their stay in Malaysia under this program. However, they must obtain prior approval from the Ministry of Tourism.

New applicants who have purchased and owned residential property which has a PAID amount of RM1 million and above in Malaysia are eligible to apply for exemption from placing the full FD amount required of MM2H participants. They only have to comply with the basic financial requirement of FD of RM100,00 for over 50 & RM150,000 for under 50 respectively. This amount may not be withdrawn until the participants decide to terminate their participation in the MM2H programme.

New applicants who have purchased and owned residential property which has a PAID UP amount of RM1 million and above in Malaysia are eligible to apply for exemption from placing the full FD amount required. They only have to comply with the basic financial requirement of FD of RM100,000 for over 50 & RM150,000 for under 50 respectively.

These applicants have to observe the following conditions:

The purchased residential property may be a fully completed unit or one under construction. For any property purchased, applicants aged below 50 and those aged 50 and above must produce copies of payments made to developers, amounting to a minimum of RM1,000,000. This amount does not include legal fees, transfer fees, commissions, and any other related payments The property must cost a minimum of RM1 million OR Several properties totaling RM1 million and above can be accumulated for this exemption Properties must have been bought in the last 5 years only.

Medical Report

All applicants and their dependents (spouse and children) are required to submit a medical report from any private hospital / registered clinic in Malaysia after Approval.

Medical Insurance

Approved participants and dependents (spouse and children) must possess a valid medical insurance policy, which is applicable in Malaysia. If any applicants are above 59 years old then this requirement is waived. This is also required after approval.

Step 1. Submit an Online Enquiry or Email us


    Step 2. Submit your Documents for Application

    For applications through the US, these are the documents needed:

     Letter of Application (by the applicant)

     A copy of resume by the main applicant which include the following information

    • Academic qualification
    • Working experiences
    • Skills or expertise acquired
    • One (1) copy of MM2H Application Form

     Four (4) colored Passport size Photographs

     Copy of Passport/Travel documents (all pages) with certification on the pages with personal particulars

    • Note: Copy of the previous passport is required if applicant/dependent (s) has renewed his/her passport within the last 12 months.

     Personal bond * (must be completed and signed by Malaysian who is one of the Board of Directors/Share Holders/Managing Director/Manager from the appointed MM2H licensed company)

    • Note: Personal Bond is to be submitted for the main applicant only

     Letter of Good Conduct from your relevant government agency

    • The police authority of the applicant’s home country
    • The Embassy of the applicant’s home country based in Malaysia provided that the LGC issued by the Embassy has made a reference to the respective police authority and the LGC must be attested by the Embassy.

     Self-declaration on your/dependents health conditions

     Certified copy of Marriage Certificate (if accompanied by spouse)

     Certified copy of Birth Certificate/legal documents (if accompanied by children/adopted children/stepchildren/parents)

    • Letter of Confirmation from Medical Specialist/General Practitioner (if accompanied by disabled children above 21 years old)
    • Statutory Declaration by the principal applicant to bear all expenses and financial requirements during the stay in Malaysia for dependents;

     Certified copy (s) of latest 3 months’ bank statement / another related financial document (s) to indicate the financial capability to support stay in Malaysia

     Latest 3 months certified copies of pay slip / income statement (if employed) / pension slip etc.

     Authorization letter from an applicant to Malaysia My Second Home Centre to verify the financial documents, job and salary with the relevant parties.

    Important Note:



    Where original documents are not in English, the translation must be done by a qualified translator.

    Step 3: Conditional Approval Letter ISSUED

    The conditional approval letter is issued to the approved applicant by the Immigration Unit, MM2H Centre.

    Step 4: Approval In MALAYSIA

    After receiving the Conditional Approval letter:

     Open the required Fixed Deposit account in any bank  in Malaysia for a one-year period on an auto-renewal basis **

     Purchase Medical Insurance in any insurance company in Malaysia /summit Medical Insurance that is applicable in Malaysia.

     Obtain a medical report from any private hospital  or registered clinic in Malaysia

     Fulfill Security Bond requirement (Direct Applicant only)

    Step 5: Submit the Remaining Documents

    Submit remaining documents to the Immigration Unit, MM2H Centre:

     Submit Fixed Deposit certificate.

     Submit Medical Insurance policy.

     Submit a medical report.

    Submit stamped Security Bond (Direct Applicant only)

    Step 6: Collect Visa

    The applicant can now collect Malaysia My Second Home Visa.

    The fee for Social Visit Pass is RM 90/year. Social Visit Pass will be given according to the validity of the passport (maximum 10 years).

    Important Note

    Please take note of the following points:

     Effective 9th January 2009, foreign citizens may apply to participate in MM2H programme directly, without going through any other third party, OR may continue to use the services of MM2H agents licensed by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Malaysia.

     After 1 year, participants aged 50 years and above need to maintain the minimum balance of RM 100,000 for every year of stay under this programme and RM 150,000 for participants aged below 50 years.

     Participant needs to sign the Consent Form as Customer’s Declaration to authorize the Bank to confirm the existence of the FD when required by the relevant Government Authorities which can be downloaded from our website


     Where original documents are not in English, the translation must be done by a qualified translator.

     Dependent(s) refer to spouse and children aged below 21 years old (maximum 6 months before reaching 21 years old, i.e. 20 years 6 months old) and not married, parent(s) aged 60 years and above.

     All documents enclosed with the present application become the property of Malaysia My Second Home Centre.

     Approved participants who are applying directly, each participant and dependant must submit the Security Bond:

     The Security Bond must be stamped (RM 10.00) by The Stamping Office at Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia. The Security Bond can be in the form of a Cash/Bank Draft/Money Order made payable to the KETUA PENGARAH IMIGRESEN MALAYSIA.

     The Bond can be withdrawn if the participant/ dependant decides to exit from the MM2H Programme.

     The processing and approval process will take 90 working days from the date of submission of the application (provided the documentation is completed )

    Please be informed MM2H visa holder are not allowed to work or be employed while staying in Malaysia. Persons wishing to obtain employment visas should apply directly to the Immigration Department of Malaysia.

    All Services listed below are what we can provide to you as our valued clients. The list below states what is included & not in our initial application fee.

    Include in our Fee SERVICES
     Assisting in Documentation
     Processing MM2H application
     Submitting MM2H Application
     Updating you of MM2H Approval
     Assisting you to open Bank account before you arrive
     Assisting you with Medical report
     Assisting you with health insurance
     Accompanying you to MM2H immigration for visa stamping
     Advising on other MM2H benefits


    24hrs Free Advice on any matters pertaining to MM2H & Malaysia

     MM2H adding Parents

     MM2H visa transfer to new passport

     MM2H FD withdrawal application

     MM2H visa Termination

     MM2H Work approval

     MM2H Tax-free Car Import approval

     MM2H Tax-free Local car approval

     MM2H Maid approval

     MM2H Renewal processing

     MM2H approval Extension

     MM2H visa Extension

     MM2H adding dependents

     Assist to get Student visa & University applications

     Malaysian driving license application

     Malaysian Company registration

     Business Consultancy

     Malaysian Property buy/rent

     All insurance products inc car, house etc

     Offshore company registration


    Do feel free to inquire for more MM2H information by contacting us at “” or fill up the form below. Let us understand you better and meet all your migration needs!

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