

Get ready for all the important information you need to make a decision about the study abroad in France! Click on the tabs below to find out about the world-class universities & colleges for Diploma, undergraduate & postgraduate programs in France and practical information on applications, admissions, fees, scholarships, visas, local life and more….


All the applicants must submit certified true copies of relevant documents along with the application form. They must bring originals to Axiom offices also.


France is one of the most sought after study-abroad destinations, inviting rich number of students every year from all over the world.


In France, kids start school very early, school starts at 3 (for almost 100%) and children spend 3 years in kindergarten, schooling is compulsory until age 16.


Axiom offers professional guidance to Bangladeshi students who intend to study in France



How much does it cost to study in France? If you are interested in studying in France, one of the most important things to consider is how much everything is going to cost.


Fee waivers are awarded to international students on the criteria of merit and the need of it. Candidate with strong academics, good performance on standardized exams and extracurricular achievements would be eligible for scholarship awards and financial assistance.


Accommodation Firstly, you need to decide whether you want to live in university managed accommodation, or with a private landlord. Choosing a university managed accommodation can also give you a catered or self-catered option.


International students are entitled to work part-time up to 20 hours a week off campus. French legislation now authorizes foreign students to work a maximum of 964 hours per year.


Spouses and children may be permitted to reside in France while you study, but this is conditional. These conditions include having enough and appropriate financing and a living space.


Living in France offers expats a life that is rich in culture and entertainment. France has the largest land area of any country in Western Europe and consists of 22 separate administrative regions.

No, French Universities are now using English as the language of instruction especially in areas like Management, engineering, Political science etc, to attract more international students. It is advisable to learn some French in order to compete with French Students.

International Students may work part time if their timetable permits as long as they are registered at an institution approved by the French social security system. Even first year students coming to France for the first time have the right to work part time 20 hours per week.

International students coming from countries outside the European Union for programs more than 6 months must obtain a long term students visa from the French consulate.

Several housing plans are available for International students enrolling at French Universities and Institution. They help the students to find the accommodation.


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