Terms and Conditions


Welcome to the AGI. We hope your stay at the Institute will be prosperous and successful. Listed below are some details trainee might find useful during the Training Program.


On your first day of classes, your instructor will advise you of all class times. You are expected by the Institute to attend all lessons regularly and punctually. The instructor reserves the right to refuse admittance to trainee arriving late until a suitable break in the lessons regularity and punctually. The instructor reserves the right to refuse admittance to participants’ arriving late until a suitable break in the lesson occurs. The trainee may be summarily dismissed for repeated absences. Please obtain a doctors’ letter for medical absences, and be sure to notify the AGI if you will be absent from any class.

Current attendance policy requires that you not be absent more than 2 days for courses 2 or 3 weeks long, for more than 3 days for courses 4 weeks long, for more than 4 days for courses 5 weeks long, or for more than 5 days for courses of 6, 7 or 8 weeks duration.

A leave of absence may be granted, on written request and on reasonable grounds, such as sickness (with a medical note) or a death in the immediate family, but participants’ cannot be allowed more than 3 months off, before being required to complete their studies. Participants who do not re-start classes within 3 months are subject to dismissal.


* All class schedules are subject to change and the Institute reserves the right to condense and/or alter course material, particularly if class size warrants.

* Coats, bags and other valuables are lift within AGI premises at the trainees’ own risk.

* Food, drinks, and smoking are not permitted on the AGI campus/premises.

* Trainees’ are expected to observe all AGI rules, fire regulations, and staff directives. Trainees may be terminated for disruptive activities or breach of AGI rules, etc.

* Trainees are expected to wear neat, clean and modest clothing suitable for the class and in AGI.

* Defacing of any AGI property is grounds for immediate dismissal.

* Homework assignments must be completed. Teachers/Faculties are instructed to deduct marks for failing to complete homework.

* Each full-time class will break for 10 minutes for tea/coffee or drinks daily, (accordingly to the class time slot).

* All suggestions or comments to the Institute should be in written and should be sent both to the AGI Training Centre: Anam Rangs Plaza (4th Floor), Road# 6/A (Sat Masjid Road), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh, to the AGI Student Counselor.


* Any questions or concern regarding your course scheduling should be addressed to your Students’ Counselor. The AXIOM GLOBAL INSTITUTE reserves the right to decide in which class or classroom a trainee will be situated.

* The trainee may be permitted to change start dates on written request and on the reasonable ground such as sickness (with medical note) or a death in the family. The trainee who does not begin classes without valid grounds is subject to dismissal.


* All course payments are expected on time and paid in cash. Any problems resulting from this should be directed to the Student Counselor. Payment can also be made through account payee cheque in favor of “AXIOM G. C”. We request cheque payments are made 3 days prior to the commencement of classes to allow time for cheque clearance.


* All payments which are given to AGI in favor of your Course Training is a non-refundable fee.


* All trainees will be given any pertinent instructions for each course examinations prior to the examination date (i.e. time limit or whether reference material may be used).

* The answer must be clearly written on the paper in pen (black). The pencil will not be accepted.

* Any communication with other trainees during the exam will result in the examinations of the trainees affected automatically being invalidated and a grade of zero will be assigned.

* Exam supervisors are not permitted to answer any questions concerning the contents of the examination.

* No trainees, unless under exceptional circumstance, will be allowed to leave the examination room (particularly in a closed book exam situation).

* Examinations are normally graded within 2 weeks of the examination date. Trainees are not to question their Instructor about the exam, their grades, or when their papers will be marked. All questions about examination must be dealt with through the AGI management only (request in writing can be handed to the Student Counselor). Marks will be written and delivered to each trainee individual, when ready.

* If a trainee misses the scheduled examination, due to medical reason only, he/she will be allowed one opportunity (timing to be at the choice of the AGI) to re-sit the examination at no charge, on the production of an authorized Doctors’ letter.

* Exam rewrites: In the event of a failing grade, the trainee who elects to rewrite may do so but the exam must be written in the classroom by pre-arrangement with the instructor and the Student Counselor. The content of the exam will be different than previously written. No rewrites are permitted for trainees who have received over 70% for a final mark. The cost to rewrite an exam is BDT 250. Trainees are permitted to rewrite an exam only once. A trainee who fails a course also has the option of re-taking the course at a fee 50% of the current tuition fee for that course.


* Each trainee will be required to supply paper holder file with a pen, and class modules.


* Failing Mark- Should you not receive a passing standing, contact your instructor. If your mark is under 50% you are allowed one rewrite but we recommend that you retake the course. If your mark is between 50-70%, you may wish to either rewrite the exam or retake the course (one rewrite is permitted at a fee of Tk 1500 and a retake is at a 50% fee).

* Retake Course- Trainees who have failed may consider retaking the course (subject to availability of space in class). A fee of 50% of the current course tuition fee will apply.


* In case of intentional damage to class property, a trainee must pay in return & the amount of compensation will be ascertained by the AGI authority.

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